Warrior of the darkness (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Daydreams of the Winter (paper, mascara, acrylic)
NOT to fly! (paper, mascara)
Windy day in kingdom of the liberty (paper, mascara)
Not-my-music (aplique work, paper, mascara)
Flazholety Ea (paper, mascara)
Snow not will (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Someone's old portrait (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Flour creative activity celestial creator (paper, mascara, acrylic)
AT HEART Great Crystal (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Step toward (paper, mascara)
The Last keeper of the Talisman (Krapivinu V.P.) (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Heart Bothi ("Time of the Entailments") (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Death Kolombiny (ne)(paper, mascara)
Shots on window (paper, mascara)
And Snow came... (paper, mascara)
Legionnaires leave on-one (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Last keeper of the Talisman (upshot) (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Innushkiny fairy tales (paper, mascara)
Quest of the white square (paper, mascara)
Last shade of the Prince (bum., mascara)
Where leaves the childhood?.. (paper, mascara)
Nebesa her(its) showers (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Liturgy of the Saint Devil (paper, mascara)
Gone in herb (paper, mascara, memory)
Blinding fate (paper, mascara, acrylic)
Flour creative activity (where was a ninth angel?) (paper, mascara)
On palm...(paper, mascara)
Birth Vselennoy (paper, mascara, acrylic)


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